Scholarship outside of the Ivory Tower.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”
Knowledge production is more than the creation of academic text, it is engaging in dialogue with the communities we research and serve. Click here to view an article summarizing a panel I participated on called Police De-Escalation, Reducing Force and Building Community Trust.
As an abolitionist and researcher, I have assisted my research participants fight for legislation to decriminalize traffic tickets, start a particparty defense hub, and host annual Mother’s Day Bail out. If you’d like to donate to the bail out efforts please click here.
I am the co-creater of #SocAF on Twitter. Every Wednesday sociologists across the nation tweet their “wins” and affirm others. Also, as a lifetime member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc. I'm committed to ideals portrayed by Dr. King, Paul Robeson, and many of my dear Brothers.