Scholarship outside of the Ivory Tower.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act
— Anonymous
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Knowledge production is more than the creation of academic text, it is engaging in dialogue with the communities we research and serve. Click here to view an article summarizing a panel I participated on called Police De-Escalation, Reducing Force and Building Community Trust.

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As an abolitionist and researcher, I have assisted my research participants fight for legislation to decriminalize traffic tickets, start a particparty defense hub, and host annual Mother’s Day Bail out. If you’d like to donate to the bail out efforts please click here.



I am the co-creater of #SocAF on Twitter. Every Wednesday sociologists across the nation tweet their “wins” and affirm others. Also, as a lifetime member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc. I'm committed to ideals portrayed by Dr. King, Paul Robeson, and many of my dear Brothers.